Saturday, December 11, 2010

Feel my love....

You tell me you love me as a best friend. '&' yes I believe that. we are best friends. but you dont seem interested in a love relationship, just a best friend relationship.I sit online for hours until i see your name appear on chat.I’ll wait for days staring at my phone just to have you say hi, but i really do hate it when you talk to other girls.I know you dont like them but it makes me feel jealous. this is how I know that I love you. i hope that you end up with someone you love, but just remember that even though I'm your best friend, I really do love you. I think we are meant to be and fate has planned for us to meet by becoming friends. I love you... as a girl...and as best friends!

I don't realise how much you love you until I see you with another girl. and that the biggest regret is not saying 'I love you' earlier. It breaks heart even more when I see you together and you're looking at her, exactly the same way as you used to look at me. And all I can do is tell myself that you're not mine anymore, you never will be....

I really think there's a reason that I like you so much. Like something is telling me not to let you go. Every time I follow my heart... it leads me to you. I mean... what other explanation is there. Why is it that you are all I can think about? Why is it that no matter how upset I am... I see you and I can't help but smile? Why is it that when you smile at me... I feel like flying? And even when you had broken my heart, and hurt me as much as anyone could ever hurt me... when you lied to me... and I don't hate you at all... and why do I still feel those same feelings? It's crazy to love someone that has hurt you... but it's crazier to think that the someone that hurt you loves you. I may be crazier.... anyway, I like to be crazier.

I hope may be someday in future, when its raining outside & you are sitting near a window, deep in thoughts, memory about the time we shared together drifts through your mind & a beautiful tear falls down from your eyes, you smile thinking about me, & believe me that day i'll be very happy not because I made you Smile, but because I was worth your tears.... At that time... Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too...

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