Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kill me...

Kill me once..
It would be better than your words...
You won't know how I feel for you...
You may not know how it hurts me...
The tears come form my eyes
still shows that I love you..
and I can't miss you..
Why don't you understand me?
Is that all I deserve?

Yes, I'm smiling..
but, inside I'm dying...
You just trying to tell something..
and make my mind up..
but can I believe you now?
Was that only humanity or love?
I wanna die..
soon as possible...

We make them cry who care for us
We cry for those who never cry for us
And we care for those who will never cry for those...

It's my fate, written on me..
Why did you come in my life?
You showed me the world
You showed me the reality
You gave me most beautiful cherished moments..
You gave me the sorrows which I can never delete in my life too...

Would you say it's only friendship?
Would you say it's only for fun?
But, you're my world.
You're my future...
I love you forever....

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